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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 6 Review: The Crab Machine Scene, KB’s Character And Jude Law’s Voice - “Zero Friends Again” With Tonya Todd
Episode 6 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew “Zero Friends Again” is upon us and this week’s guest is Tonya Todd to talk about KB’s character, the crab-machine scene, Jude Law’s sexy voice and more! In more detail, Mike & Tonya talk about the first 5 episodes of the show, before they discuss what this episode brings! This episode includes a discussion of each member of the Skeleton Crew and how the kid’s characters fit certain archetypes, as well as the ending action scene with the ship, emotional growth, working as a team and of course, Jude Law! Subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode with another guest! Tonya’s site: http://mstonyatodd.com - Find her on social media @MsTonyaTodd! Pre-order her upcoming book 52 Love here for UK: https://amzn.eu/d/ariZaIJ US: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/52-love-tonya-todd/1146141114 Tonya Todd & Tony (A.R.) Farina written & collected comic essays for Comics Lit Volume 1: UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Comics-Lit-Vol-Tonya-Todd/dp/B0D19P51R2 US Directly: https://accomplishinginnovationpress.com/product-category/series/comics-lit/ Each year Tonya also does 7 episodes of Banned Books Conversations for Banned Books Week, 2024 was year 3 and Mike even made an appearance! Listen on the podcast feed of Femme On or watch on YouTube: https://pod.fo/e/1f3a1c - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLonS23Pw8PqMmFcYx2afdJUG4wuAsR-Lh&si=-VudLLqpofDVCl6P Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcO1Ib_BGD8Y79aRWUxSWwdy3eyNrbXBl&si=fBj8GSeS3xZDLlsI Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, such as Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234 found here: https://pod.fo/e/23d985 & https://youtu.be/pQA0QvC5qa0 and ep 246 found here: https://pod.fo/e/279547 & https://youtu.be/PAEmwuhG2gw Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at https://linktr.ee/GenuineChitChat Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: https://pccnewsletter.com Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: https://patreon.com/GenuineChitChat Outro by BZ The Voice: https://bzthevoice.com Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: https://pod.fo/e/2916c6Mike recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, tune in here: https://pod.fo/e/28e32e Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: https://pod.fo/e/289237 On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode: https://pod.fo/e/28f73f
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