Great Moments in Weed History
David Bienenstock
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Rush Guitarist Alex Lifeson: "We Only Stop for the Best"
A confirmed cannabis connoisseur since the 1960s, Alex Lifeson reveals how smoking weed fuels his creative process, helps him heal the aches and pains of five decades out on the road with a hall-of-fame rock band, and got him hooked up with the infamous Trailer Park Boys. We also trace the history of Rush's loving musical ode to weed history ("A Passage to Bankok"), and his encounters with everything from real deal Thai stick and Hawaiin bud to the earliest Honey Oil and the finest hashish Amsterdam has to offer. Help Make This Podcast Possible! Please support Great Moments in Weed HIstory on Patreon. Supporters get exclusive access to a video version of the show and extra seshes, plus access to cool rewards like a signed book. And it truly helps us make the best show possible. EPISODE ARCHIVE Visit our Great Moments in Weed History podcast feed for 80+ episodes of our classic format, and subscribe now to get a new weekly podcast every other Weednesday.
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