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Unnatural 20's

Unnatural 20's



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Queen's Cup

It's time to celebrate the birth of this amazing, awe-inspiring* DM by playing a brand new drinking game that involves no drinking and only complimenting! So wrap that gift that you definitely already had and join the party as we: turn Scorpio Season into Our Season, remember the great Cake Car, leave the demon's head on the floor, launch off on a low budget spaceship, fail at calendars again, show no mercy in the classroom, make a Skittle murder pact, throw our bodies out of the shower, refuse to flabbergast Franklin, blame George Lucas, use trash to customize cars, get a fun head massage, find our beat down inspiration, get in the advent calendar game, compete in robot slam poetry, check in with our Tik Tok dealer again, get our reality tv fix via podcasts, bake just for the sake of the good bake, request the Big Red Dog, add in Paul Walker, live in a world surrounded by Steve Buscemi, never have I ever our way into best friendom, flip the single fingle, and show up in incognito mode.  Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network 

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