Unnatural 20's
Unnatural 20's
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Ep 222: It's a Big Ol' Sorry
We're back from our hiatus and are here to pay our penance! More specifically the DM is here to make it up to all of us and what better way than to give out literal prizes! So look under your seat and join the party as we do this one Oprah style, turn a kid into an accordion, travel back in time, scream for the fallen hot dog, pee it out fancy style, share our new legacy, get roasted at the hair salon, deny the proposal, throw in some real challenges, answer the age-old question of "is a stranger tells you to eat a piece of food off the ground, do you?", pour one out for the forgotten 3D printer, shame the family, support the queen who does coke, see if the prizes are legit, let Georgie know about the funny number, try not to get murdered by the fam, turn the party into a weird kid rave, fail the nerd spelling bee challenge, photoshop some wedding photos, receive an actual prize!, pay the ultimate price, get married by a sith, pass on the guilt, touch a tiger, get excited for the divorce, and receive a message from Nick Jr. Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network
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