Unnatural 20's
Unnatural 20's
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U20's MOTY Edition
Hold on. These voices are not those of your normal host!! They do sound just as cool and young so this should be alright! Grab your Baja Blast flavored Metamucil and join this new crew as they: bring a young boy energy, tear it up in wine country, make age-appropriate references, Hocus Pocus with the Brocuses, turn the movie boys into nerd boys, blue all over their keyboard, "fix" a stationary bike, fail our boy Tony Hawk, do a jumpkick to the teethies, nerd out with some fboys, finally dip their toes into the Alien franchise, do the unthinkable and put pans in the dishwasher, throw out a friendly death reminder, charm the sharks, help their hip brains, create a phone app to remind them to phone, reverse engineer condiments, keep an eye out for Mr. Kranch, dip all day long, meet Assistant/Detective Rolle Bear, show off their training from Julie's Yard, become Schmidt, fall victim to the Bart Craze, cry over mothballs in the beef stew, share a gemstone monologue, follow the Snake Eyes rule, star in We Bought a Son, hit up ACME, witness a cartoon divorce, and finally break Mike. If you like this new crew be sure to check them out on Movie of the Year Send your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our extra content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network
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