Unnatural 20's
Unnatural 20's
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A Dangerous Game
We have started a dangerous point deduction game and this week's DM, Books, is not going to miss her chance to get in on this! So pick your words carefully and join the party as we: enroll at Books University, introduce Sir Katelynn the Bestower of Juggernauts, learn that Steve wonders about me and you, share car chase tips, work together to compose a story, stay vigilant against banned words, use a fancy algorithm, join the booty business, do a dirty, unlock a new fear, frighten the lifeguards on duty, diagonally doggy paddle out of a bad situation, hire a dog photographer, try to persuade the DM, convince the human by getting on the dog's good side, give too tight socks a second chance, deny foot on shoe contact, become the X-Men version of a Troll doll, start taking heads, check-in with the Lil Baby Brainchild, find eachother through a costume contest, reach our dreams and become hot dogs, try to connect the missing pieces, get wrecked in the notes, go down to Helloooo, feel constipation as an emotion, ringback hacks, witness the power of Thrice, have a mythical creature freak out, channel the Yeti to become the Yeti, rewrite Twilight, share a stick, and get proposed to in a Costco parking lot. Become a part of the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network
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