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Unnatural 20's

Unnatural 20's



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Whose Variant is it Anyway?

There's been a deviation from the sacred timeline and variant versions of ourselves have come over to try and take over our show. Will we be able to stop them and restore the timeline or will there forever be new hosts? Grab your temporal pads and join the party as we die on mic, leave the pod in shambles, send out a murder alert, flip our inderwear, let you in on a secret, get a check stolen by our dog, display expensive tastes, get scared of sleep, revive the Vikings, get caught by a blind grandpa, hear a recognizable skitter, find the ultimate female ally, go on a cotton ball search and find, trade out Katelynn for a squirrel, back down from murder, find our new best friends, arm the world with chainsaws, showoff our knowledge of cones, get emotional with snails, deploy the harpoon tooth, gain a new fear, watch some wholesome drama, keep them dogs cool, stop for belly rubs, place a pancake trap, buy underpants for squirrels, celebrate a big dog moment, and have a bingo day. Join in on our adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content at Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network

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