Podtrificus Totalus
Podtrificus Totalus
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It’s Monday, and we’re flying in on a speedy (but possibly jinxed?) broomstick with the latest episode of Podtrificus Totalus, the international standard in Harry Potter podcasts done chapter by chapter, book by book! Harry, upset and enraged by the news of Sirius Black’s betrayal, is determined to seek revenge for his parents’ deaths and take the adults in his life to task for withholding the truth from him. Despite Ron and Hermione’s attempts to talk him down, Harry continues to seethe until he is distracted by Buckbeak’s impending doom. On Christmas day, Harry receives a mysterious and expensive gift with no note or card, prompting a disagreement with Hermione. The only outside source we reference for this episode is the Harry Potter Wiki’s page on Chair-conjuring, which constitutes our Spell of the Week for this episode. We would like to remind our listeners that Podchaser is donating to Meals on Wheels for every review left on their site. Head over to our page on the site and leave us some kind words to contribute to a great cause!
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