Her Dinero Matters
Jen Hemphill
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Are Your Money Habits Keeping You Stuck? | HDM 396
If you want to achieve financial success, building solid money habits is a non-negotiable. Intellectually, almost everyone knows and agrees with that statement. But, how do you choose which habits to build? That’s the million-dollar question. In this week’s episode, I’ll share with you the four money habits that can have the biggest impact on your money confidence journey. Every self-help book or personal development coach seems to agree on one thing: if you are trying to transform one area of your life, the first thing you gotta do is build good habits. But, what is exactly a good habit? And who decides which ones fall into this category? That is the quintessential question. When it comes to improving your finances, habits such as saving consistently and spending less will almost always pop up in any finance-related conversation. However, how can you know if building these will help you move the needle of your plan forward? Because let’s be honest: there is such a thing as picking the wrong habit (#gasp). And since building these behavioral patterns is not that easy (plot twist: gaining real momentum usually takes more than 21 days), you want to be sure the time and energy you’ll be investing in acquiring a new habit will eventually pay off. In this episode, I’ll share with you some insights on the importance of picking (and building!) money habits that bring in a genuine bang. In this episode you will learn: Why so many financial habits are not worth your energy and time and what you can do instead.Two habits that seem crucial to have, but actually can be automated.Four key money habits that will bring you more bang for your time.For a quick recap of this episode go to https://www.jenhemphill.com/396 The post, Are Your Money Habits Keeping You Stuck? | HDM 396 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.
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