BirdNote Daily BirdNote Podcast Episodes Latest Episodes Bohemian Waxwings Wander South 2/6/2025 • 1 min Living the itinerant life! Play episode Red-headed Woodpeckers Fly on Checkerboard Wings BirdNoir: Staging a Bird-Murder Kenon Walker, Duckmaster Small Birds Mob Big Ones Winter Birds Love Suet Alpine Swifts Fly Nonstop The Harpy Eagle Is a Huge, Powerful Hunter The Verdin’s Winter Roosts Kentucky Warbler Spark Bird: Christian Cooper’s Red-Winged Blackbird Dowitchers Get a Second Wind Following the Honeyguide Rhea Nesting Is Mind-boggling Moonwalking Manakins Listening From Inside the Egg Spark Bird: Corina Newsome Meets the Blue Jay Pigeons Can Correct Their Mistakes Like AI The Beauty of Webbed Feet Powder Down Storm-Petrels: Myth and Reality The Haunting Voice of the Common Loon Why Do Grebes Eat Their Feathers? Great Horned Owls Nest Different Beaks, Different Foods The Robin's Namesake A Swirl of Snow Geese Winter Brings Falcons Why Do Chickadees Come and Go? The Hoopoe's Smelly Family New Homes for Cockatoos Fishing with Least Bitterns Woodpeckers Wage Wars Of Grouse and Gizzards BirdNoir: Vultures Come to Town Wing-clapping How Writer Amy Tan Fell in Love with Birds Spark Bird: Drew Lanham Takes Flight Neurodivergence is an Asset for Project FeederWatch One Species Caring for Another Partial Migration – Killdeer Play Leap Frog Oh, Nuts! The Trials of a Red-headed Woodpecker The Rusty Blackbird’s Unique Beauty 'Carol of the Birds' with Nancy Rumbel Winter on the Columbia Even Songbirds Have to Practice The Butcherbird The Cardinal: A Southerner Moves North Not Just Any Nectar Will Do Birds Can Keep the Beat BirdNote Daily RSS Feed Share: Twitter • Facebook • Embed Copy embed code: