How Did This Get Made?
Earwolf and Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, Jason Mantzoukas
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Last Looks: Dream A Little Dream
Jason & Paul gab about all the TV shows, movies, and podcasts they're currently loving. But first, Paul dives into corrections and omissions from Dream A Little Dream and goes on a tirade about what BS movie trends bug him the most (CGI babies, you're on blast!). Plus, as always Paul announces next week's movie! PAUL & JASON'S WATCH PICKS: Cole Escola's "Oh, Mary!" on Broadway Chef's Table: Noodles Colin from Accounts Rivals Anatomy of Lies Family Secrets: The Disappearance of Alissa Turney Flipside The Five Obstructions Elsbeth High Potential Magpie Murders Moonflower Murders Bad Monkey DAN DA DAN The Gutter PAUL & JASON'S COMEDY SPECIAL PICKS: Joe Mande's Chill Cole Escola's "Our Home Out West" Ali Wong: Single Lady James Acaster: Hecklers Welcome Langston Kerman: Bad Poetry Stewart Lee, Basic Lee: Live at the Lowry Courtney Pauroso's Vanessa 5000 PAUL & JASON'S PODCAST PICKS: Noble This American Life: Mistakes Were Made Spare Parts with Michelle Mylett & Evan Stern JASON'S BAG PICKS: Tom Bihn Synik 26 Tom Bihn Bixi
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