Hazel Showell
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How Not To Take Life For Granted
“The brain will heal itself with time and patience” How can a life-changing illness be a positive experience? Richard McLean has redefined his life after a stroke. He’s had to learn to walk and talk again. All of a sudden, Richard’s busy fulfilling job had to take a back seat whilst he learnt how to not only survive but thrive in the aftermath of a major health crisis. Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell discovers how Richard’s acceptance of slowing down and appreciating every moment was a key aspect of his recovery. You’ll hear how his ability to learn from failure has completely reshaped his life - and you will learn how to appreciate the present in an embodied way, through techniques like mindfulness. If you want to extend your own mindfulness practice, then Hazel has the perfect thing for you. Click here to find Hazel’s free guided meditations, which you can access on her website: justhazel.co.uk. You can check out Hazel’s accompanying blog for her episode with Richard here. Additional Resources Richard has written a number of blogs on his stroke recovery, which you can read here Here's some of his blogs relating to this conversation... On having a stroke On physical rehab On other aspects of recovery Recovering techniques/perspectives Richard Tried include: Tim Gallway, and his formula, performance = potential – interference Rolfing: (Richard’s wife’s website, she’s a Rolfer) If you become curious about trying some Rolfing yourself, you can see who is local to you here You might also want to look into the work of Carol Dweck for the growth mindset to pick yourself up and try again. More from Hazel… Visit her website: Just Hazel Connect on: LinkedIn Connect on: Twitter Connect with Richard McLean Via LinkedIn Via his blog
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