KPFA - Law & Disorder w/ Cat Brooks
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Clovis Teacher Threatens to Cut Native Student’s Hair w/ Natalie Deanda
A long-term substitute teacher in Clovis, California, threatened to cut a third grade indigenous student’s hair. We’re joined by Natalie Deanda, the mother of that child, joins us from Clovis, CA, to discuss her experience of the threats and the importance of long hair amongst boys in her community. — Subscribe to this podcast: https://plinkhq.com/i/1637968343?to=page Get in touch: lawanddisorder@kpfa.org Follow us on socials @LawAndDis: https://twitter.com/LawAndDis; https://www.instagram.com/lawanddis/ The post Clovis Teacher Threatens to Cut Native Student’s Hair w/ Natalie Deanda appeared first on KPFA.
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