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Redefining AI - Artificial Intelligence with Squirro




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Spotlight Two - The AI Readiness Index - Singapore

Season Three - Spotlight Two Our second spotlight of this season is a snippet from our upcoming episode: Laurence Liew - The AI Readiness Index - Singapore. This conversation is a gateway into the vitals on AI literacy and how it has become increasingly recognized as a vital skillset worldwide, especially in Singapore. Find out what the mind driving the adoption of Al in the Singapore ecosystem through the 100 Experiments, Al Apprenticeship Programmes and the Generational Al Talent Development initiative, has to say! #Subscribe now to Redefining AI to catch up with each and every episode coming your way! Who is Laurence Liew? Laurence Liew is the Director for Al Innovation at Al Singapore. He is driving the adoption of Al by the Singapore ecosystem through the 100 Experiments, Al Apprenticeship Programmes and the Generational Al Talent Development initiative. A visionary and serial technopreneur, Laurence: was appointed the first RED HAT partner and authorised training centre in the Asia Pacific in 1999 built A-STAR's IHPC first High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster in 2001 (initial HPC clusters in NUS, NTU, and SMU were mostly built by Laurence and his team) built and operated Singapore's first Grid (pre-cloud) platform for IDA's National Grid Pilot Platform in 2003 architected the Cloud business and technology for then Singapore Computer Systems' Alatum Cloud (now owned by Singtel/NCS) in 2007 led Platform Computing Inc business in South Asia and R&D team in Singapore; IBM acquired Platform Computing in 2009 led Revolution Analytics Inc business in Asia and R&D team in Singapore. Microsoft acquired Revolution Analytics in 2015 joined Al Singapore in June 2017 as the first employee The Singapore government has appointed Laurence to represent Singapore at the Global Partnership in Al (GPAl), an OECD initiative. He is the current Co-Chair of the Innovations and Commercialisation working group and Co-Chair of the "Broad Adoption of Al by SME" committee. Listen to the full episode, as soon as it comes out by subscribing to Redefining AI and please do share your excitement about the episode with your own network! #ai #data #redefiningai #techpodcast #generativeai

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