Clap for Classics!
Elizabeth Nixon
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45. What do we do with our sticks Vivaldi?
To join our music membership for young kids and start making music with us today, go to www.clapforclassics.com/join. Use the code “LION” for 50% off your first month! We share 2 activities that both include sticks. In honor of Earth Day we encourage kids to go outside and use sticks that they find outside. But rhythm sticks, pencils, or wooden spoons would work fine. What Can We Do With Our Sticks? (to the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock) What can we do with our sticks? We tap our sticks like this We tap them high (fast) We tap them low (slow) What can we do with our sticks? Have fun exploring all the different ways you can play your rhythm sticks! Get creative! 2. Spring: Concerto No. 1 in E Major, 3rd movement by Vivaldi 3 ways to use our sticks while we listen: Keep a steady beat Pretend to play the violin Be the conductor! Want more rhythm stick fun? Check out our blog post with a rhythm stick mini class and more information of the benefits of playing with rhythm sticks. https://www.clapforclassics.com/blog/rhythmsticks Listen to Episode 10 of our podcast for more rhythm stick fun! https://www.clapforclassics.com/podcasts/clap-for-classics/episodes/2147703461 Help more families find out about this podcast by leaving us a review wherever you listen. To leave Forte and I a message or a joke please record it here: http://www.speakpipe.com/clapforclassics. We love to feature our listeners on the podcast! Thank you to Classical.com for licensing the music for us to use on our podcast and inside our membership!
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