Clap for Classics!
Elizabeth Nixon
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38. Shivering in our mittens with Vivaldi
Happy New Year! We’re excited to be back for another season of Clap for Classics! episodes. This year new episodes will come out on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, so be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss anything. Today we share 2 activities that come straight from our “Winter Expedition with Vivaldi and Friends” music course. If you enjoyed these musical play activities and want to experience the rest of the fun, you can join us at Our Four Seasons curriculum is more than just music, it also includes art, poetry, and STEM units. A perfect hands-on, play based curriculum for your toddler, preschooler, or kindergartner. Grab some mittens or use your imagination and see if you can come up with some actions while we sing this song! The Mitten Song Thumbs in the thumb place, fingers all together! This is the song we sing in mitten weather Thumbs in the thumb place, fingers all together! This is the song we sing in mitten weather When it is cold it doesn’t matter whether Mittens are made of wool or finest leather This is the song we sing in mitten weather Thumbs in the thumb place, fingers all together! (credit goes to Marlys Swinger from the book “Songs of the Seasons, Ninety-Nine Songs for children”) For the second activity grab rhythm sticks and a scarf. We guide you through the 1st movement of Vivaldi’s “Winter” concerto from the Four Seasons. You’ll have fun shivering, stomping, keeping a steady beat and chattering your teeth. Help more families find out about this podcast by leaving us a review, telling your friends, or sharing our social media content! To leave Forte and I a message or a joke please record it here: We love to feature our listeners on the podcast! Special thanks to for licensing the classical music that we used in this episode and that we use in all of our music courses!
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