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Clap for Classics!

Elizabeth Nixon



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32. Let's have some pumpkin fun!

Forte and I share 3 pumpkin activities, perfect for this time of year. Grab a pumpkin if you have one to use as a drum, and let’s get started!   For information about our All Access Membership for kids ages 2-6 go to And don't forget to use the code "LION" at checkout for 50% off your first month!   The first activity is a pumpkin version of “Ring Around the Rosie” where we find lots of different ways to go around our pumpkin.   Ring around the pumpkin A pocket full of nuts Leaves, leaves, we all fall down (Then replace “ring” with “tiptoe” or “gallop” or “stomp” etc.)   Second, we tap out some halloween rhythms on our pumpkin drums.   Last, we share a musical version of the popular poem “5 Little Pumpkins”.  Melody written by Clap for Classics! Co-founder Kathryn Lieppman.   5 little pumpkins sitting on the gate. The first one said, “Oh my it’s getting late!” The second one said, “There’s a chill in the air.” The third one said, “But we don’t care.” The fourth one said, “I’m ready for some fun” The fifth one said, “Let’s run and run and run!” Then “ooooo” went the wind “ooooo” And out went the light, shhhhhhh And the 5 little pumpkins rolled out of sight.   To check out our fun song all about pumpkin pie- go here:   To watch some of the activities in video form, check out a live pumpkin mini class Elizabeth and Charlotte taught a few years ago.  Find it on our blog or on youtube:   Please help more families find out about this podcast by leaving us a review, telling your friends, or sharing our social media content!   To leave Forte and I a message or a joke please record it here:    Special thanks to for licensing the classical music that we used in this episode and that we use in all of our music courses!

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