The Young Guides Podcast
The Young Guides Podcast
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Episode #109: Trevor Hubbs from the Mule Deer Foundation
On this episode of The Young Guides Podcast, Keaton and Kyle chat with Trevor Hubbs from the Mule Deer Foundation. Trevor talks about MDF's newest venture with the Blacktail Deer Foundation and the importance of mule deer and blacktail conservation and their presence on the landscape. This is a great episode that you don't want to miss! Mule Deer Foundation: https://muledeer.org/ Blacktail Deer Foundation: https://www.blacktaildeer.org/ Website: https://theyoungguidespodcast.com Jett Flys: @jettflys907 on Instagram Alaska Rod Co.: https://www.alaskarodco.com ShellART Studio: https://www.shellartstudio.com Slay J's: https://www.slayjtackle.com NWTF South Sound Strutters: https://www.nwtf.org/chapters/south-sound-stutters-wa
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