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KOLOT with Rabbi Hillel Kapenstein




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“Raising a Loving Family” with Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW

Rabbi Shimon Russell is no ordinary therapist. In addition to being a Torah scholar in his own right, he received Semicha from the late Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Shnuer Kotler, zt'l. After witnessing a tragic situation, Rabbi Russell was encouraged by his friends to explore the idea of becoming a therapist, which in those days was not a popular occupation in the frum community. After seeking guidance from Harav Shach zt”l, Rabbi Russell entered the field of behavioral health and gained much experience from his clients and his own struggling teen children. Rabbi Russell discusses the OTD (off the derech) phenomenon and his incredible personal journey learning this concept. Additionally, Rabbi Russell shared highlights of the latest bestselling and award winning book, 'Raising a Loving Family' which was written by Rabbi Goldstein, based solely on Rabbi Russell's teachings and lectures. All of this plus more on this episode of KOLOT. This episode is sponsored by [re]start, a career development platform. [re]start offers complimentary access to login and work with live career advisors who will help you find meaningful employment opportunities that match what you are looking for. For more information, visit www.joinrestart.com KOLOT is a project of the Columbus Community Kollel, a full time learning center in Bexley. Ever since 1995, boys, girls, men and women have found learning opportunities at the Kollel. Whether it's a study partner or an engaging class, the Kollel is your one stop shop for all your Jewish learning. To learn more about the Kollel, visit www.thekollel.org and forever be inspired.

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