Tales From The Potting Bench
Adam Kirtland
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Advolly Richmond - History and Flowers!
Hello and welcome back to a brand-new season - we’re back for a whopping sixth season of the podcast with new guests and brand-new stories and conversations and this time I'm using this as my chance to celebrate the amazing women of horticulture with a season I'm calling 'A Celebration of Women in Plants'! Gardener’s World continually inspires and entertains us in equal measure, but I find myself hooked, in particular, to the segments that delve into the history of gardens and gardening over the years. Advolly Richmond is a historian who specialises in this exact area, and she can frequently be seen on Gardener’s World, bringing us the past, present and future of gardening. Now, Advolly brings us a book that shares the history of plant names, their origins and so much more. In this episode we discuss the book and a great deal else too, enjoy! You can find out more from Advolly by following her on Instagram and Twitter. A Short History of Flowers is out now from Frances Lincoln and is available in all good bookshops. 💜 This podcast is sponsored by Plant Grow, producers of award-winning organic fertilisers made with zero chemicals. Great For your garden and even greater for the planet 💜 and don't forget to use code POTTINGBENCH on plantgrow.co.uk for 10% everything on their site. 💐 Latest Diary Entry: Listen/Read Here 📚 Latest Book Review: Read Here 💻 My Website: Visit Here ☕ Join my Patreon: Click Here 📩 Email Me: Here!
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