Someone Dies In This Elevator
Tal Minear | Realm
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Julius Caelevator
Someone Dies In This Elevator - Julius Caelevator Rating: PG. Et tu, Brutevator? This episode contains murder, betrayal, and elevators. Transcript here. This episode was written and directed by Max Kreisky. Dialogue editing by Brad Colbroock. Sound design by Tal Minear. The receptionist was voiced by Tal Minear. Bort was voiced by Stephen Indrisano. Brutusvator was voiced by Ezra J. Wayne. Mark Antovator was voiced by Rue Dickey. Julius Caelevator was voiced by Max Kreisky. The Senate of Elevators was Brad Colbroock, Tal Minear, Jenna Rose Geiser, Lauren Tucker, and Susannah Snowden-Ifft. Intro and credits read by Brad Colbroock. Executive produced by Tal Minear. Episode artwork by Tal Minear. Follow us @SDITEpod on Instagram, Tumblr, & Twitter! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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