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Object Of Sound




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Source Material (feat. Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine)

What do you do when you revisit a beloved movie from your childhood, only to find out it's not quite what you remember? If you’re Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine, you write a song about it. Their forthcoming album, A Beginner’s Mind, is a journey back into childhood nostalgia and perspectives, shaped by films the pair watched while recording together. Through their songwriting process, Sufjan and Angelo strip away what was dark or violent in their source material, transforming it and reflecting back something that, in their words, is pure and good. For the playlist of songs curated for this episode head over to https://bit.ly/oos-source-material. / Music In This Week’s Episode: / Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine, Fictional California Pixies, Debaser The Ataris, So Long, Astoria Fugazi, Walken’s Syndrome Dolly Parton, 9 to 5 Regina Spektor, Fidelity Roxy Music, 2HB Deep Blue Something, Breakfast at Tiffany’s

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