Jewish History Uncensored
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein
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Nach in the Haredi World
In this episode we look at why all the different parts of the Haredi world have deep hesitance with basic pshat and Tanach. Why is this true? Is this an example of the cure is worse than the disease? What is worse over simplifying Midrashim or treating Midrashim disrespectfully? This week’s episode is dedicated by Mr and Mrs Pinchas and Malka Friedman in honor of their parents Mr and Mrs Heshy and Raizy Friedman and Mr and Mrs Chaim and Toby Ginsberg. And also by an anonymous donor לרפואה שלימה ליונתן איתן בן בת שבע ברכה Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join! For tours, speaking engagements, or sponsorships contact us at jewishhistoryuncensored@gmail.com PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS
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