Jewish History Uncensored
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein
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#180 - The Vilna Gaon’s Theory of Incongruent Actions - A Deeper Look
In this episode we take a more careful look at the Vilna Gaon’s theory of, ‘Incongruent Actions’? How many places does he apply this to? Is there a difference between where this concept is working at a behavioral level and when it is working at the Nefesh level. We also examine the issue of when we can say that History can be a proof to questionable actions. Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join! For tours, speaking engagements, or sponsorships contact us at jewishhistoryuncensored@gmail.com PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS
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