The Budget Bitch Podcast
Farrah Turcotte
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From $100k in Debt to Certified Finance Expert with Khaleila Davis
In this episode, I chat with Certified Money Coach, Author, and Entrepreneur Khaleila Davis. Khaleila shares her story about how she went from $100k in debt and almost evicted to debt-free in 2 years. She now owns multiple properties, is a published author with her book "Faith and Funds," and through her faith based education she helps those who felt powerless in their knowledge on personal finances, entrepreneurship, leadership and walking in their purpose. Visit Khaleila's website: https://avaoliviaunlimited.com/ Things you'll hear: The process of learning "how to finance" Bouncing back from being in debt Releasing money shame Entering the "real world" after university How Khaleila went from almost evicted to multiple property owner and certified financial expert BE SURE TO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM! @BudgetBitchPodcast BOOK A FREE BUDGET AUDIT WITH ME! Let's chat about how I can help you learn to manage your money and mindset! BOOK HERE To BOOK a 90 minute Budget Intensive Coaching session with me go HERE! I love sharing stories and REAL jargon-free content. Let's chat and connect!
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