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USUK: Ant McGinley AKA ”The Champ”
Joining AL and Tom on the show is veteran podcaster, writer and friend of the show Ant McGinley. It has been a while since we caught up with Ant and a lot has happened! During lockdown Ant took to writing a script for a fake wrestling show where he cast himself at 17 time world champion, "The Champ" Ginger Ninja. The show is hilarious and had become extremely popular. So popular in fact that there will bet a live performance of this show at the Coventry Comedy Festival on the 13th & 14th of February. AL and Ant have friendship that spans over many years. Working together on projects that AL voiced, this is the perfect opportunity for a good catch-up with a mate. We are very sorry about the state of AL's mic. The software took upon itself to choose the cruddy laptop mic. Don't worry though the audio is still clear and concise, just not in the usual crisp, sexual way of displaying AL's sultry tones. Any issues with it, please check in with the complaints dept.
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