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USUK: What‘s The Difference? Dr Sheila Forman
Thanks to the fine relationship that we have with AL and Tom bring you a fantastic guest in Dr Sheila Forman. Dr Forman used to be a practicing attorney but now, she is a Psychologist and Life Coach dedicated to helping people better their lives. Today we discuss the healthy and unhealthy relationships we as humans have with food. For example, even though AL is on Keto there is always an urge to sit in front of the TV and annihilate a pack of Oreos. But why does he feel that way and how can he re programme his brain to not think that way? This is where Dr Forman comes in, this is here field. Also we have to know, if you're already on your way to making it as an attorney, why the sudden change on career choice? If you have similar issues with Oreos, then this episode may be very helpful for you. Go to to find out everything you need to know. Dr Forman has so much to offer. Her books look fantastic! Later Lounge: The guys discuss robotic farming and they breakdown that stunning Spidey trailer!
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