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#ThePaedipodsCast by Paedipods

PAEDIPODS - Mr Pranai Buddhdev



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#TheCoronaCast Ep 3. Impact of COVID19 on Frontline USA ED Services, Ethics in HCWs & Global Health Concerns with Dr Hiren Patel, ED Attending, Mass Gen. Hospital, USA

With over 312,000 Global Cases of COVID19 and an increasing death toll, the USA has overnight become one of the nations with the highest reported cases. In this episode, #TheCoronaCast (hosted by Mr Pranai Buddhdev) speak to Dr Hiren Patel, Emergency Department Attending at Mass General Hospital in Boston, USA who diagnosed the first case of COVID19 at his institution.  With a background in global health and International emergency development, systems building and relief management and implementation in Low and middle Income Countries (LMIC), this episode explores the issues and experiences witnessed first hand on the frontlines in the USA, with concerns over PPE provision, testing capabilities and its potential effects on the healthcare community including ethical dilemmas such as The Hippocratic Oath. They also discuss the early reports from Sub-Saharan Africa and the likely devastating effects and stress COVID19 will impose on under-resourced and prepared healthcare systems. WASH YOUR HANDS, MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING & STAY SAFE LISTENERS.  Please continue to tune in to Episodes of #TheCoronaCast on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays Follow on Twitter / Linkedin / Instagram @paedipods - Live Q&A sessions held on Instagram Live each Friday Evening Visit Paedipods Website for further episodes,  resources and updated information on the COVID19 Pandemic. http://www.paedipods.com/ Find the Mass Gen. Hospital Coranavirus Toolkit: https://www.massgeneral.org/assets/MGH/pdf/disaster-medicine/2019-Novel-Coronavirus-(2019-nCoV)-Toolkit-version-1.29.2020.pdf Updated information from Mass Gen. Hospital: https://www.bostonherald.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-has-hospitals-eyeing-ecmo-blood-breathing-aids-for-worst-cases/ Keep updated from John Hopkins Center for Systems Science & Engineering: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

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