Gaze At the National Parks
Dustin Ballard and Michael Ryan
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Trail Mix: Colorado Hiking with Josh Berman
Mike and Dusty sit down with Josh Berman, author of the Moon Travel Guides to Colorado Hiking and Colorado Camping, to discuss hiking in Colorado in the National Parks and beyond. To purchase the Moon Travel Guides to Colorado Hiking or Colorado Camping, visit Moon.com. Instagram: @GazeAtTheNationalParks Facebook: Gaze at the National Parks #gazeatthenationalparks #hikeearlyhikeoften #adventureisoutthere Hosted by Dustin Ballard and Michael Ryan Episode Editing by Dustin Ballard Original Artwork by Michael Ryan Original Music by Dave Seamon and Mariella Klinger Music Producer: Skyler Fortgang Our listeners can get 20% off ANY Moon Travel Guide at Moon.com. Use offer Code GAZE24 at checkout. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gaze-at-the-national-parks/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
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