Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
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Facing Loneliness in Your Faith Journey
Dear Fr. Josh, I am a 37 year old cradle Catholic from the Netherlands and the proud mom of a wonderful baby boy. Over the last ten years (yeah I know) I’ve been slowly finding my way back to the church. I am now attending mass regularly, have made prayer a part of my daily life and am working up the courage to go to confession for the first time in my life. The journey has brought me closer to God and I am experiencing a profound feeling of peace, because I know God is with me always. But this is also a very lonely journey. It is extremely difficult to find a practicing Catholic amongst my peers, my family and partner are not religious and a lot of people are downright hostile when they find out about my beliefs, or just think there is something wrong with me. This is very common in my country. On top of that my fellow churchgoers are all senior citizens and the fellowship I’ve been craving is nowhere to be found. I listen to some podcasts and follow a couple of YouTube channels to fill that void, but it’s a poor substitute. My only friends who do believe in God are protestants, as most of the Netherlands is Protestant. I have even thought about converting. Not because I think their way is is the true way to God, but just to not feel so alone in my faith. I just want to share my joy. I could do with some advice. Keep on singing, I love it! -Anke Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at Support Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
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