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#12021 AMA - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 02:01 – At what point do you think pursuing the rights in the second amendment becomes sinful? 08:10 – Are there dinosaurs in the Bible? 12:41 – How does the incarnation not defy divine simplicity? 16:09 – If faith is a grace from God, why does not everyone be given all the grace they need? In the parable of the sower, why isn’t everyone made into good soil, is it simply due to free will that even given all the grace in the world some people for whatever reason would still say no? Thank you for your time, Mr. Akin. 20:05 – With what level of certainty can we say where someone is in the afterlife apart from extraordinary means like canonization. Secondly what are good ways to communicate this appropriate level of certainty to those grieving the loss of someone they love. 29:05 – I travel quite a bit. Missing mass and days of obligation happen unfortunately. Should I seek a dispensation from my pastor? What should my approach be? 34:17 – I understand that the “Law of the Conservation of Mass,” applies to chemical reactions. However, when considering the bodily assumption of our Blessed Mother, and the ascension of Jesus into heaven, how is the Law of the Conservation of Mass applied? I understand that heaven isn’t “somewhere else,” but “somehow else.” Then how is Mass conserved between our physical realm to the spiritual realm where our Lord and Lady exist? 40:25 – How does one justify or condemn the use of nuclear weapons? More specifically how do you weigh the deaths of Japanese children against the potential deaths of American soldiers? (From a Catholic perspective) 48:30 – Would Jesus’ family be considered poor compared to the average family in Nazareth? If so, would that have something to do with not being able to find room at the inn in Bethlehem? 53:03 – I don’t know if this counts as normal or weird, but I’ve started to get into linguistics and I was wondering how we should think of the Tower of Babel story? Thanks! …

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