Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius
Chloe Langr
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A Letter to the Woman Who Never Gets through Her To-Do List //Thérèse Desilets
There are so many tasks on our to-do lists as women, wives, and moms that are repetitive—and hidden. You plan meals every week and wander the aisle of your grocery store, only to be back again the week after to do the exact same thing all over again. You fold a massive pile of laundry and as you’re putting clean clothes in dressers, you find the laundry baskets are full again and ready for the next load. You make a meal, only to be faced with a pile of dirty dishes and a full dishwasher ready for unloading…again. It can be easy to get discouraged in the monotony of taking care of your home, your family, and yourself. So how do we find meaning in these daily tasks that we’re going to do all over again tomorrow? In this episode, I’m sitting down with Thérèse Desilets. Thérèse is the founder of Lovely Lady Linens, a Marian inspired home textile company. Her and I are talking about how the Blessed Mother can encourage us in our daily chores, the importance of beauty in our domestic churches, and how Thérèse integrates her work and vocation. If you’re exhausted from the constant to-do list of taking care of your home and are needing some encouragement and inspiration, sister, this letter is for you. Topics we talked about in this episode: Thérèse’s story as a Catholic woman The origin story of Lovely Lady Linens and the beautiful work of handblocking How designing Marian-inspired linen collections has impacted Thérèse’s relationship with the Blessed Mother Why domestic work is meaningful, even though so much of it goes unseen How Thérèse’s business and work as an attorney is at the service of her family (not the other way around) The story behind Mariamante Academy, where Thérèse donates a portion of her business proceeds How Thérèse lives out the feminine genius in her current season as a mother of three kids under five Resources you should check out after listening to this episode: Browse the collections at Lovely Lady Linens Follow Lovely Lady Linens on Instagram Check out the sponsor for today’s episode, Sacred Heart Tea, and use the code LETTERS to get 10% off your purchase at checkout Pick up a copy of the Letters to Women book (and use the code LETTERS at checkout to receive 15% off your purchase!) Check out my monthly newsletter, Naptime Notes Subscribe and Review Letters to Women in iTunes Are you subscribed to Letters to Women? If not, you should subscribe today! You don’t want to miss any of the upcoming episodes. Click here to subscribe in iTunes.
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