Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius
Chloe Langr
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A Letter to the Woman Teaching the Faith While Running around with Littles // Jackie Angel
It’s an incredible gift to share the beauty of the Catholic faith with the kids in our lives. Whether you’re sharing about Christ in the Eucharist with your toddler, diving into Scripture together, or preparing children for their first reconciliation or first communion, there’s a lot that goes into evangelizing the littlest people in our lives. How can we explain the faith, the realities of sin, and the incredible gift of the Eucharist in ways that resonate with little kids? How do we live our lives so that the children we love know that the sacraments matter and the sacraments change us? In this episode, I’m sitting down with Jackie Angel. I first saw Jackie speak at a youth conference over a decade ago, and it’s so much fun to sit down with her one-on-one today. Jackie and her husband Bobby are both presenters in the Parent’s Guide for Renewed and Received, a new resource for First Communion and First Reconciliation preparation from Ascension. Jackie and I are talking about her experience preparing two of her children to receive first communion and first reconciliation, what it looks like to create a culture in our homes where conversations about the Eucharist and forgiveness are ongoing, and how teaching children about the beauty of the Catholic faith has impacted her own interior life. If you’re helping children discover Christ mercy and experience his real presence in the Eucharist, sister, this letter is for you. Topics we talked about in this episode: Jackie’s story as a Catholic woman What sets Ascension’s band new programs, Received: Your Journey to First Communion and Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation apart Jackie’s experience preparing two of her children for First Communion and Reconciliation How to take big concepts like transubstantiation, sin, and forgiveness and explain them in a way that kids understand What it looks like to create a culture in our homes where the sacraments are part of ongoing conversation and our daily lives with our families Jackie’s evangelization advice for mothers of toddlers How Jackie lives out the feminine genius in her daily life through tender motherhood Resources you should check out after listening to this episode: Check out Received and Renewed from Ascension Connect with Jackie on social media and through her website and podcast! The Place We Find Ourselves Podcast Visit The Catholic Textbook Project, the sponsor for today’s episode Pick up a copy of the Letters to Women book (and use the code LETTERS at checkout to receive 15% off your purchase!) Check out my monthly newsletter, Naptime Notes Subscribe and Review Letters to Women in iTunes Are you subscribed to Letters to Women? If not, you should subscribe today! You don’t want to miss any of the upcoming episodes. Click here to subscribe in iTunes.
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