Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius
Chloe Langr
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A Letter to the Woman Who Wasn’t Expecting Marriage To Be This Hard // Beth Sri
Valentine’s day is around the corner, and that means that you might be encountering a lot of Instagram-worthy pictures and posts about marriages over the next few days. And the vocation of marriage is incredible. God draws spouses closer to the ultimate Heavenly marriage through the powerful sacrament of marriage. That doesn’t mean that marriage is always easy, and it isn’t always like what I imagined when I was a newlywed. The reality of marriage involves communication (and miscommunication!), healing, and intimacy. It’s messy AND good. So what I want to do today as we get close to a day set aside for celebrating the beauty of love is sort through what struggles we can expect in healthy marriages and introduce you to a women who has practical advice on how to grow deeper in relationship to our spouse and the Lord through the incredible vocation of marriage In this episode, I’m sitting down with Beth Sri. Beth’s been married to her husband, Edward, for more than twenty years and together they’ve written a book called ‘The Good, The Messy, and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life” Beth and I are talking about how to resist the temptation to build up walls in your marriage, why it’s important to build individual prayer time for the good of your marriage, and the real life differences between men and women and what that means for marriage. So regardless of whether you’re single, preparing for marriage, or you’ve had a wedding ring on your finger for years, sister, this letter is for you. Topics we talked about in this episode: The inspiration behind Beth’s new book and her experience writing a book with her husband, Edward Different walls that we build up in our marriage and how we can tear down the barriers to unity How marriage has made Beth more aware of areas that God wants to heal What to keep in mind if you’re realizing something from your past is impacting your marriage today The differences between men and women and how to honor those differences How to build the habit of daily individual prayer to strengthen our marriage What Beth has learned over the years that has helped her and Edward have a consistent daily prayer life How Beth lives out the feminine genius in her daily life as a Catholic woman Resources you should check out after listening to this episode: Beth and Edward Sri’s new book, “The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life” Follow Beth on Instagram and on her website Pick up a copy of the Letters to Women book (and use the code LETTERS at checkout to receive 15% off your purchase!) Check out the sponsor for today’s episode, Sacred Heart Tea, and use the code LETTERS to get 10% off your purchase at checkout Subscribe and Review Letters to Women in iTunes Are you subscribed to Letters to Women? If not, you should subscribe today! You don’t want to miss any of the upcoming episodes. Click here to subscribe in iTunes.
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