Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius
Chloe Langr
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A Letter to the Woman Examining Her Relationships // Nell O’Leary
The Lord wants to draw you ever closer to himself. He wants to transform you, and in doing so, transform every single relationship in your life—he’s leaving no stone unturned. But growing in deeper relationship involves the hard and holy work of examining both sides of the struggles and the joys, the good memories and the awful memories in those relationships. You don’t have to walk that journey alone. In this episode, I’m sitting down with Nell O’Leary, the managing editor for Blessed is She. She’s also one of six women behind a brand new book, Loving God, Loving Others: 52 Devotions to Create Connections that Last We’re talking about all kinds of relationships and why it’s important to prioritize prayer and reflection in our lives as women today. Nell is also sharing her encouragement for you if you’re cautious to explore the parts of your story you just wish weren’t there. If you want to prayerfully examine your relationship with God, with yourself, your family of origin, your loved ones, your friends, your work, sister, this letter is for you. Topics we talked about in this episode: The inspiration behind the new Blessed Is She Devotional, Loving God, Loving Others Nell’s encouragement if you’re cautious to explore the parts of your story you just wish weren’t there How to examine our story in a holistic way that takes both the joy and sorrow into account Nell’s section of the devotional on her family of origin and how it has shaped her identity How writing alongside women like Beth Davis, Megan Hjelmstad, Bonnie Engstrom, Sarah Erickson, and Emily Stimpson Chapman deepend Nell’s appreciation for their feminine genius Why to prioritize daily prayer in your life as a Catholic woman The incredible resources that Blessed is She offers for both in-person and online community How Nell lives out the feminine genius Resources you should check out after listening to this episode: Pick up a copy of Loving God, Loving Others: 52 Devotions to Create Connections that Last Visit Blessed is She online Subscribe and Review Letters to Women in iTunes Are you subscribed to Letters to Women? If not, you should subscribe today! You don’t want to miss any of the upcoming episodes. Click here to subscribe in iTunes.
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