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’Paul Or Nothing’ Podcast

Samuel Whiles



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Band on the Run - The Story of a Classic Album, with Luca Perasi; Paul or Nothing Bonus Episode #135.

The original "BIG GUEST" of Paul or Nothing returns (a lot sooner than expected) with another brilliant book on McCartney. However, rather than a giant book that covers loads of albums, we have a single, laser-focussed text on everything you need to know about Band on the Run. You can find Luca's book here, or from at reputable book seller - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Paul-McCartney-Wings-Story-Classic/dp/B0D26VPJRB?crid=2EJUEJXTCF8TM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ns7es8Ttri-FLTFTmh9sUHNN5_uiRnqN_JlCnYO4-Jw.g4-WTgNUm5PvQv45jrcYMs8scVyHcVWnOXef6zFYbW8&dib_tag=se&keywords=luca+perasi+band+on+the+run&qid=1714159278&sprefix=luca+perasi,aps,72&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=andrewdixonmu-21&linkId=bea8fe1111cc21f9a4b2d9f34d76f422&language=en_GB&ref_=as_li_ss_tl If you want to support the show, check out our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mccartneypodcast To get in contact with the show, drop us an email at paulmccartneypod@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter for all Macca updates by searching @mccartneypod.  Check out our YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXcuhC1jm1wqhUTWhVS-r6A  If you haven't seen the blog, check it out at www.paulmccartneypod.wordpress.com where you can see loads of episodes start out life as a random blog post, before being resculpted into the quality content you are here for today!  Hosted by Sam Whiles.

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